Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Avocado (aka making Guacamole at 8:15am)

1 avocado (mine could have been I'd say very ripe is what you're going for)
1 squirt lemon
water - more than you would think

Mix together ingredients and puree in blender.  Yum, it smells like a Mexican restaurant in my house.  The squirt of lemon isn't enough to be lemony, but it is enough to keep the avocado from browning.  This made enough for today's breakfast, plus 5 more 1 oz cubes.  I have a couple more ripening on the counter, so I have plenty of avocado for the freezer.

Grant's reaction:  Tough to say on this one.  I made the avocado this morning, so he had to be patient while I mixed it up (no cooking necessary) by the time I got it to him, he wanted out of the high chair.  I ended up feeding him on my lap and he sucked it down, so I'd say success.

I also bought some fun organic purees to try when we're on vacation since I probably won't really be cooking too much down the shore.  I'm actually pretty excited to try these.  They make such fun stuff for babies these days!  Eamonn and I decided to not try anything new while we're away from home, just in case he has an sort of reaction.  So we're taking a break.  I'm also running out of fun ideas of things to try with him, so if anyone has suggestions, I'm open.  Some things (ie broccoli, tropical fruit, anything with seeds) are not appropriate at this age, so it gets a little tricky.

1 comment:

  1. this sounds good. pretty soon Grant's gonna have to worry about Aunt Alison eating his food.
