Thursday, July 29, 2010


2 zucchini, peeled, deseeded and chopped (I've heard you don't have to peel, but I did)

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer and steam for 5 minutes. Let cool with top on and then puree. This has a very VERY mild taste, I might try something else with it next time. Or maybe add some garlic or basil? I'm trying to get some spices into my cooking for Grant. He had cinnamon with his apples this last time I made them and seemed to like it very much. I don't cook with a whole lot of spices so I'd just like to introduce the ones I use the most.

Anyways, I'm not too sure on Grant's reaction. He seemed to like it at first, but then he had himself a little tantrum. I'm not sure if it was related to the zucchini or he just wasn't in the mood for breakfast or what. I'm willing to give it another go tomorrow and see what happens. I really hope it wasn't the zucchini.

UPDATE: I don't think it was the zucchini...phew. He seemed to like it just fine this morning, so it must have been something else yesterday. Ah, babies

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