Friday, August 27, 2010

New stuff!

So Grant has been trying new things all over the place lately.  I suppose I'm still supposed to be waiting 3 days, but I haven't been the best about it.  I'm trying to wait on things that are brand new food categories (ie dairy).  So in the past week he's had yogurt, teething biscuits, bread and banana puffs!  I snapped a few shots along the way, but he's seemed to enjoy all of it.  It's so cute how he looks like he's really chewing even though he just has the one little tooth.  I have to keep a really close eye on him to make sure he doesn't have any big pieces, but besides that he's good to go to try most things.  Of course there are still plenty of "rules", but it's been fun.  Anyways here are the pictures I did get.

Yogurt (stonyfield farms yobaby, plain)

 Happy Bellies banana puffs
 Such concentration!  It was hilarious to watch him chasing them all over the tray.

Friday, August 20, 2010


1 bag organic frozen peaches

Wow this was easy...I bought the frozen peaches because they are already peeled and sliced.  It even says on the bag, "frozen fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh".  I'm going to trust them because it made my life super simple.  Bring to a boil, steam for about 5 minutes, puree and you're done.

Grant seemed to enjoy these as well as anything else.  I thought they were pretty tasty.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OHHH Excitement!

I just got home from the doctor with Grant (7 month well visit) and asked about his solids.  The doctor told me he can start having all sorts of things now, chicken, pasta, cheese, yogurt, beans.  OMG I'm so excited! So anyways, hopefully this blog will get a little more exciting as I introduce some new flavors and textures with the little man.  I think I'm going to start with yogurt (after the peaches which I already bought) and go from there.  We can also start doing finger food and he will learn to feed himself.  Pretty fun stuff.  This picture isn't from today, but I can't have a blog post without a picture!

This is how excited Grant is!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Green beans

organic green beans (I used a prepackaged, prewashed kind I found at the a&p, but they weren't super tasty.  Next time I'll do all the work myself)

Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer for 10 minutes.  Puree in blender and pass through a strainer to remove extra stringy stuff and bean "hulls".  This is another labor intensive one because the string beans get kind of , well, stringy.

Reaction:  Um, yum.  First bite was a smile and then he proceeded to knock out the whole bowl.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Avocado (aka making Guacamole at 8:15am)

1 avocado (mine could have been I'd say very ripe is what you're going for)
1 squirt lemon
water - more than you would think

Mix together ingredients and puree in blender.  Yum, it smells like a Mexican restaurant in my house.  The squirt of lemon isn't enough to be lemony, but it is enough to keep the avocado from browning.  This made enough for today's breakfast, plus 5 more 1 oz cubes.  I have a couple more ripening on the counter, so I have plenty of avocado for the freezer.

Grant's reaction:  Tough to say on this one.  I made the avocado this morning, so he had to be patient while I mixed it up (no cooking necessary) by the time I got it to him, he wanted out of the high chair.  I ended up feeding him on my lap and he sucked it down, so I'd say success.

I also bought some fun organic purees to try when we're on vacation since I probably won't really be cooking too much down the shore.  I'm actually pretty excited to try these.  They make such fun stuff for babies these days!  Eamonn and I decided to not try anything new while we're away from home, just in case he has an sort of reaction.  So we're taking a break.  I'm also running out of fun ideas of things to try with him, so if anyone has suggestions, I'm open.  Some things (ie broccoli, tropical fruit, anything with seeds) are not appropriate at this age, so it gets a little tricky.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


2 zucchini, peeled, deseeded and chopped (I've heard you don't have to peel, but I did)

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer and steam for 5 minutes. Let cool with top on and then puree. This has a very VERY mild taste, I might try something else with it next time. Or maybe add some garlic or basil? I'm trying to get some spices into my cooking for Grant. He had cinnamon with his apples this last time I made them and seemed to like it very much. I don't cook with a whole lot of spices so I'd just like to introduce the ones I use the most.

Anyways, I'm not too sure on Grant's reaction. He seemed to like it at first, but then he had himself a little tantrum. I'm not sure if it was related to the zucchini or he just wasn't in the mood for breakfast or what. I'm willing to give it another go tomorrow and see what happens. I really hope it wasn't the zucchini.

UPDATE: I don't think it was the zucchini...phew. He seemed to like it just fine this morning, so it must have been something else yesterday. Ah, babies

Friday, July 23, 2010


Again, bananas are no cooking experiment.  Just mash with a fork, add a little water or formula and you're good to go.  Grant was pretty pleased with these.  He smiled a little and basically just kept opening his mouth.  Not bad.

Not too sure...
 Okay yeah, these are good.